Our Commitment
At Sifted, observing our environmental impact is rooted in everything we do. We work to minimize food waste at every turn, to eat eat mindfully, and to appreciate all those involved in growing and preparing our food. We believe every day is earth day, and we’re happy to share our journey with each of you.
- Jess + Kimberly // Sifted Co-Founders
Zero Food Waste 
30-40% of the food supply in the U.S. is wasted. At Sifted we avoid this through our pledge to be zero food waste in all 6 of our markets. Each city works closely with waste services + Sifted employees to help keep this commitment. Make the pledge to be zero food waste in your office, + reach out for best practices!
5 ways Sifted reduces impact
Reduce - We only order exactly what we need through data-driven menu planning
Recycle - We clean and recycle aluminum pans and plastic containers
Local - We source locally and regionally to support small farms and shorter supply chains
Compost - We compost all food scraps and leftovers unsuitable for donation
Donate - We collect leftovers on behalf of clients and donate through Copia
Thoughtful Partnerships
- Copia - 100% of Sifted Leftovers are donated - We have partnered with Copia to become the 1st national caterer to donate 100% of leftover food to local non-profits.
- Eco-Products - By funding methane recapture projects, Eco-Products helps offset their carbon footprint with 4,000 greenhouse gas emissions reduced per year.
City donation locations 
We work with various composting services in each of our markets such as Compost Now in Atlanta, Compost Nashville in Nashville, Break It Down in Austin, Alpine Waste in Denver and Boulder, and Cedar Grove in Seattle and Phoenix.
City vendor locations
Our Culinary teams sources from a number of local vendors in each city. Some of our favorites include: Engelman's + Yellow Blossom Tamales in Atlanta, Dozen Bakery,+ Brightside Bakery in Nashville, Togo Co + Johnson’s Backyard Garden in Austin, Olive & Finch + Gluten Free Things in Denver and Boulder, and Macrina Bakery + Charlie's Produce in Seattle. Our culinary team is currently working to find local vendors to partner with in our newest city, Phoenix.
Our recent impact 
Donation impact — Over the past quarter, we’ve donated 40,000 lbs. of food + 34,000 meals to local nonprofits.
Compost impact — 3,000 lbs. have been composted across all 6 of our markets which equals 320 full pans.