How do you possibly slow down? How do you possibly slow down when your email is the last thing you r...

How do you possibly slow down? How do you possibly slow down when your email is the last thing you r...
I’ve never managed a restaurant before. My mind isn’t accustomed to multiplying recipes. I had no id...
Humans are by nature social creatures. We self-group around any number of social, political, religio...
We remember being discouraged at company lunches time and time again.
What’s the job you’d want to have after this one?
Sifted isn’t a restaurant. We’re not a food truck. We’re not a delivery service. We don’t fit well i...
Sifted has officially launched in Atlanta, Georgia! This is Sifted’s first expansion. Over the past ...
You know the food is good when someone asks for a recipe. Here are two DIY favorites from our Atlant...